Students from Buruburu Girls High School during a prefects leadership training organized by Global Peace Youth Kenya in Machakos.

1. Prefects Leadership Academy (PLA)

This is a high school leadership development program by the Global Peace Youth (GPY). The focus is to educate and raise school prefects to become future leaders with both moral and innovative capacity. By developing lifelong competencies of leadership, problem solving skills, conflict resolution, communication skills, goal setting, and Character, the prefects become substantive ambassadors for sustainable peace and development in a school and community.

2. Leadership Academy for MILEs.

  • Workshops and seminars
  • Mentoring
  • Cultural Exchange Programs
  • Adventure Training
  • Session with experts

Leadership Academy for MILEs is a value-based leadership development program that is designed to develop the whole person in three areas:

  1. Mindset – Moral Thinking
  2. Heart set – Moral feeling
  3. Skill set – Moral Action

The program has a span module of 3 months but can still be tailored to be “participants –specific” in relations to age, availability and professional preferences.

3. UNITED Generation

  • Socio – Economic platform for moral and innovative leaders who work for sustainable peace and development by facilitating community reconciliation through dialogue and enhancing a culture of economic and social entrepreneurship. (could be domesticated in accordance to socio – economic of each implementing country)

4. International Young Leaders Summit

  • An international youth platform that brings top young leaders in each country for dialogue on key issues affecting youth development in the world. Each resolution made in such summits is to be implemented by the UGEN platform in each country. This platform will join global networks in lobbying for the formation of the YOUTH COUNCIL at the United Nations under the banner of UNITED NATIONS for UNITED Generation.

10 thoughts on “What we do

  1. Hi. I would like join you. I’m a 4th year student in UoN taking B.A social work. Can I get an internship position in your organization in social work?

  2. Thanks for networking. Use the above email address for further communications. Will be gratefull enough as the programmes will be beneficial to the county,country and the world at large. My tel:+254700154146.

  3. This is indeed for a great cause. All the youth should be duly informed of this global culture of service, to better our generation and the generation of our progeny. Due information facilitates informed decisions and informed decisions will in turn facilitate a global culture of service. We all indeed belong to one family under one God.

  4. hi,
    my village jua-kali eldoret was evidently an epicenter of violence and I’ve sworn never to allow impunity to have its way.

    great job guys we can be the change we want to see in the world.

  5. I love what ur doing..Keep it going coz your teaching are inspiring and very educative coz there is a time we were with you at Baraka college..My only concern is this..Please ensure that the participants who attend your seminars/forum are well compensated to avoid surpressing these young peacemakers..Thank you..

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